COTTAGE COUNTRY FAIR A HUGE SUCCESS BOTH FINANCIALLY AND FUN-FACTORILY !!!!!!The only words that come to mind are YIPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ..... What a fantastic day we had at our Cottage Country Fair. The event was everything we expected it to be. The children got so involved with the preparation that the journey was as rewarding as the destination - and isn't that the point !!
Tombola hosted by the Grade 5s was sold out before the day started and I must say that the prizes were awesome. We must thank the Bakker Family for the huge contribution they made to the grand prizes for the day. They arrived last week with boxes of school bags on wheels, watches, sweaters, MP3 player and car visors.
The Scratch Patch was a firm favourite with the littlies and Aunty Hafieza had them closing their eyes digging for gold almost all day. The Grade R's roller ball manned by Sheridene and her daughter had my mother (who has very bad legs) on her knees going for the Roy Orbison CD. Grade 1's started very slowly and then didn't stop. Sue Marx was the last person standing (pardon the pun) when the final round of the Pillow Fighting Championship of the day resulted in Keagan Strydom being crowned. Sandy Gordon and the Grade 2 pupils and moms had a wonderful stall where throwing beanbags at Monster Tins was the challenge, except as I walked passed on many occasions, there were moms putting their faces where the tins were saying "Gooi na mam seun". How cute. The Grade 3s had it easy thanks to Belinda du Toit and Harold Trollope who blazed a trail around the field taking very excited little people for walks on the horses. I think Grant had a silent heart attack when he saw the activity on his precious field but thankfully kept it to himself and swallowed hard. Thanks Harold for arranging the horses.
Mrs Gohre accompanied by Grade 4 moms created beautiful beaded necklaces and I saw a couple of girls with tattoos that they were only too happy to show off. Umm, I think it was a case of parents being very thankful that one wash would get rid of the body art but being very aware of the little warning of things to come ......
The Grade 6s and 7s pulled off the scariest Haunted House that our children had ever experienced. After a few of the younger children came out screaming and crying, the queue REALLY grew and never stopped. I must apologise publicly to the people concerned because when it came to 13h00 on Friday afternoon and NOTHING had happened, I had (and voiced) my doubts about how a haunted house could suddenly appear before Saturday. Was I put in my place ... The creativity and planning was truly amazing and I must congratulate them on a job well done.
The Beer Garden was really helped along by Adele Venter who supplied the containers, ice and stock on consignment. This made it very easy for us and we appreciate your effort.
Aunty Sandy and her crew (Lydia and Violet) wowed us with a Tea Garden that was so quaint and such a nice place to be. Not so quaint was the amount of cake they had for sale! We must say a special thank you to Mrs Roberts, Mrs Herd and Mrs Beneke who really pulled out the stops and provided very special home made goodies. Thanks must, however, go to everyone who contributed.
An annual event for sure !!!